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Song: Sober
Idol: Kelly Clarkson
Album: My December
Video Link (Fan-made, not official)

Song: Celebrate Me Home
Idol: Ruben Studdard
Album: TBD
Video Link (Fan-made, not official)
Ruben, oh Ruben… wherefore art thou? If you don’t watch Idol, then you probably wouldn’t know that this is the song to boot this year – literally. This is the song that’s played when contestants get the boot just before their tearful farewell performance. Don’t get your hopes up though, this isn’t new material from Ruben, it’s a gospel-y cover of an old Kenny Loggins song. Still makes for a good listen though…

Song: One Word
Idol: Elliott Yamin
Video Link
He was a favorite during his season of Idol, and R&B crooner Elliott Yamin is making some great music these days. If you’re a true fan of R&B music, there’s no way you can pass up this guy’s music. If I had to choose one word to describe One Word, all I can say is amazing…
Song: What About Now?
Idol: Daughtry
Album: Daughtry
Video Link (Idol Gives Back performance)
What About Now is a charity single for Idol Gives Back, is a cut off the debut album, Daughtry, from the prominent Idol rocker Chris Daughtry. The video clip I’ve included is to the live performance from this season’s Idol Gives Back episode, and totally captures the sensitivity in the song. You can’t help but feel it. As for the album: I highly recommend it, probably the best debut of all the Idols in the history of the competition.
Song: Permanent Monday
Idol: Jordin Sparks
Album: Jordin Sparks
The current American Idol, Jordin Sparks’ self titled-debut is already gold. Permanent Monday isn’t an official single, but it’s a cut off her CD that’s getting some airplay. There’s no official video for it. It’s a little bit country and a little bit of rock n’ roll…
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