Some people are often imitated, but NEVER duplicated. There are those who try to do it, while others are BORN to do it. Rumors upon rumors surfaced about this tour in particular being cancelled due to Janet's sudden illness. Yes, some tour dates were postponed, which of course saddened her fans, but her health comes first. We all want whats best for Ms. Jackson if you're NASTY, right?
When I heard Washington D.C. would be the official spot for Ms. Jackson's return, I thought, why wouldn't we be? After all, we are the Nations Capital. We are the future home of the future President Barack Obama!!! I could have been anywhere in the world tonight, but on this particular humid fall evening, I chose to be in the presence of greatness. Naturally, as a woman, I was looking forward to the opening act, Mr. LL Cool J, however, for whatever reason, he didn't perform. I was looking forward to seeing that muscle mass of a man licking his lips(sue me, I'm human ,I came to get disciplined).
Dj Quicksilver was on the one's & two's keeping the crowd entertained, while we awaited the headliner. Boy was the Verizon Center rocking! Being. we're the home of go-go, he took us back, wayyyyyy back, to sardines & pork n beans; one of the many tunes played to keep a SOLD OUT house in the right mental state. He did one hell of a job.
House lights on. Time now is 8:00. Let me put you inside of the mind of Mellomusic for a second. Now I'm thinking, Janet has a catalogue full of hits, what will she open with? Mind you. I have a full hour to keep my over anxious mind at work. Boy, did that hour feel like twenty four. During this time, I'm conversing via AIM with my Sound-Savvy partner Mack & MILLIONS of fans by way of JanetFanclub.com(whatup folks). Janet if you catch wind of this someway, somehow, you are definitely LOVED!!
Finally, HOUSE LIGHTS OUT! Here's comes the screaming & chants, Janet, Janet... Enters Janet Jackson, hidden behind two J's, dressed in a cream colored body suit, starting the show off with Pleasure Principle, full of energy! Sick? HELL NO! She took us from old school, new school, middle school, high school, & college with the hits. Streaming from Control, What Have You Done for me Lately, You Want This, just to name a few. I definitely don't want to ruin the fun for those who have yet to experience this life changing event. Those were just some of the upbeat tracks she performed. Slowing it down a taste, she did a medley of my favorites, Come Back to Me, Lets Wait a While & Again. Let's Wait a While took me back to a place.... boy!!! I LOVE that song, it gets me every time!
My highlight of the show, of course was when Ms. Jackson if you're NASTY came out to play. Janet is phenomenal. When she performed in her dominatrix attire & brought the sex slave(XBOY from JanetFanclub.com) onto the stage, it was lights out for him! Janet had her way with him, that brought all the men to their knees, even the homosexuals! She has ways to turn everyone out. I will leave the rest to the figments of your imagination. If its anything like mine, you're in for a treat.
There's nothing more I can say about this show. She proved all the rumors wrong. She gave us 1000% energy, which she fed off from the crowd. Her aura is amazing. She comes from a family of entertainers, she was born to do this & it showed tonight. God Bless her! The money I paid for the ticket was well worth it. If you think this review was something, stay tuned to part 2 from Mack: LIVE from ATL shawty!
2 comments and counting...
One of the best reviews so far!!! Good Job Mello! I cant wait to see this show!!
Posted on October 16, 2008 at 1:29 AM
Awesome review Mello! Thanks for all the updates from the show last night on janetfanclub - needless to say, you eased my nerves. glad our girl is back on top! Can't wait for part 2!
Posted on October 16, 2008 at 10:43 AM
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