First things first, by now we all know Mariah's on a quest to break a record: She's currently got 18 #1 singles under her belt, and she needs 2 more to take the title from legendary music sensation The Beatles. Will
I Stay In Love give her #19? It's possible, but doubtful. This is a very pretty ballad, excellent melody and we already know Mariah kills the vocals, but the song seems to be missing something, I don't know... Let us know your thoughts in the FORUM. As far as the video, it's very sexy but still kinda dry. And can someone please explain to me the Quentin Tarantino inspired exploding car moment? Where the hell does that fit? Nick Cannon directed it so there's no telling where that came from; seems like one of those, "hey baby, you'd look sexy in front of an exploding car... yeah I know it's totally out of concept but it's something I always wanted to do for you..." Nick, please see my Ray J. comments below...
Also on Sound-Savvy : Mariah Carey,
Music Videos
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