Posted by Mack of Sound-Savvy On 11:49 PM

"The race isn't won by the swift but he who endureth till the end".ECCLESIASTES 9:11

Supporters in Chicago cheering, "Yes, we can" were met with cries of "Yes, we did

Can somebody say, AMEN! Never in a million years would I have envisioned this. Its because of the blood, sweat & tears of our ancestors & civil leaders that we are able to call this a TRIUMPHANT VICTORY!

They say he couldn't & wouldn't do it, but he proved ALL naysayers wrong.Only thing in life that is constant is change; either embrace or reject it. I'm embracing every moment of it. I was always a proud American, but today, I stand as a PROUD AFRO-AMERICAN. Obama, despite his interracial upbringing, has proven through adversity, character is developed. Campaigning, I'm sure took its toll on his physical & mental state, but he never let the competition see him sweat.

The revolution has begun. He definitely has a full plate when it comes to his new duties. He won't be doing it alone, with the help of his VP Joe Biden, & FIRST LADY MICHELLE OBAMA, he will get it done.President Barack & family, WELCOME HOME!!!

Might I add, it was a LANDSLIDE VICTORY!!!!

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