Came across this track... I'm REALLY hopin these bruthas aren't staging another comeback. At some point, you've just gotta hang it up and move on. In their heyday, Bell Biv Devoe was a fairly successful act, complete with screaming female fans and album sales that would make some groups just a tad bit jealous. But those days have long since been over... and this wack song proves that. While I am a New Edition fan, I'm content to relive their glory days on my iPod only!
Also on Sound-Savvy : BBD,
Singles Review
2 comments and counting...
Um, I don't know exactly what they were trying to do with this song...but the Kayne-ish, Slim sound was killing me..and why exactly are they recording ANYTHING right now? :I need a drink:
Posted on February 10, 2009 at 11:42 PM
Well I like the chorus, but i dont know about the rest of the song lol. You can tell they obviously wrote this themselves. I can see it being on just to make noise, I can see people looking over it .
Posted on February 12, 2009 at 11:21 PM
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