If you've been following along with MTV's Making The Band series, then there's probably a lot you already know about Dawn Richard - she's beautiful, talented and until recently, she was a part of the multi-platinum selling girl group Danity Kane. But behind the reality show starlet that's on the tube every Thursday night, there's a different girl with another level to her creativity. Sound-Savvy talked one-on-one with Dawn Richard about life beyond Making The Band, and her brand new comic book line Danity Kane, based on Dawn's original superhero concept that lent it's name to Bad Boy's now-defunct doll group.
Sound-Savvy: Hey Dawn, this is Mack from Sound-Savvy, how are you?
Dawn: I’m good, how are you?
SS: I’m good it’s good to talk to you. So first up, Dawn what does your life sound like?
Dawn: Um that’s a great question. I just did that a couple days ago on Twitter for the Twitter bugs that are following me. I’d have to say, Counting Crows' Colorblind would definitely be one of them, Keri Hilson’s Turnin' Me On definitely rocks my boat; I’d have to say...oooh, The Dream’s Hater is hot, Bjork’s…uhhh, that’s a hard one, Hopeful, and one more… Green Day’s Brain Stew. That’s my soundtrack right now.
SS: Wow, I like that! That's a real versatile pick, I like that.
Dawn: Well that’s what my life is, it’s kinda all over the place.
SS: Cool, so where are you now?
Dawn: I’m gonna be in New York, writing.
SS: So I guess the biggest thing everyone wants to know is what’s going on with Danity Kane, we’ve all sent the show and it’s winding down…
Dawn: You have to keep watching… Thursday nights, MTV! Gotta keep watching to see what happens.
SS: But is there gonna be a future of Danity Kane?
Dawn: You gotta watch, you have to watch. I can’t give that away.
SS: Just to go back to what we saw last season, the split came out of nowhere. It’s like...
Dawn: It did, it definitely did. I think how people are reacting is a normal reaction. We’re all feeling that way.
SS: I understand that you guys probably fought like normal groups do, but do you think it out of the was enough to cause a split like that?
Dawn: Uh, yeah… I didn’t expect that, not at all. I thought it could be fixed.
SS: Do you think at all that the the show’s ratings factored into that? Maybe it was something to boost the show’s ratings?
Dawn: No, no not at all. I think people want it to be that or they think it’s that. No This is our lives and it’s real, and it really did happen and it’s exactly what it was.
SS: Just looking back at some of the previous Making The Band Groups like ‘Da Band and Dream and those groups that didn’t last… there’s been talk and even Puff mentioned it on an upcoming episode about a Making The Band curse. How do you feel about that?
Dawn: That’s not a Making The Band curse, this is life. It’s not a curse, the reality is all people go through it. All artists with their labels. It’s not something that just happened to us, it happens to a lot of people that’s why you see the En Vogues and the TLC’s and Destiny’s child. It all happens at some point, it’s just life. Some people get along, some don’t. Some things work, some don’t. That’s just life; I don’t think that’s a curse.
SS: Have you talked to Aubrey or D. Woods at all?
Dawn: No, but I wish them the best. I really do.
SS: Oh okay. Have you seen Aubrey’s Playboy spread?
Dawn: Ummm no, but ya know. I’m really proud if that’s what she’s happy doing.
SS: Well with the fate of Danity Kane pretty much up in limbo, if it came down to it would you pursue a solo career? Dawn gotta eat too, right?
Dawn: I’ll never say never to anything. I would love to continue being in this business because I like it. That’s all I can say to that. Whatever comes in my path, I’m ready for it. I’ve worked hard to be here and I’m gonna continue to do that.
SS: If you did, do you think your music would be more pop or more R&B?
Dawn: I think it’ll be how music is going right now; it’ll be a cross of both. Music is taking turns, we can now combine so many things. I think it’s a great movement right now where music is. There’s no specific class to it. So my music would be with everything else. It would be a new trend, a mix of both and I think that’s beautiful.
SS: So who are some of the artists that you’re really feeling these days? Besides the ones you mentioned.
Dawn: I’m feeling Keri [Hilson], like I said. Keri’s amazing, I was with her in the beginning, she wrote on our first album. I’d really love to work with Chrisette Michele, I’m good friends with her. Jazmine Sullivan, another one that I’m good friends with. I’d love to work with Day 26. Me and Q actually wrote a song for their album that’s gonna be on the album coming out April 14
SS: Oh cool!
Dawn: Yeah, the sky’s the limit. I’d like to work with a lot of people. Brandy is another one I’d like to work with!
SS: Oh I love Brandy, and yeah Chrisette Michele is really good. I saw her in concert here a few weeks ago.
Dawn: Yeah, shes amazing, that’s my homie! That’s my ride partner in New York.
SS: So you mentioned Q, how are things with you Q?
Dawn: He’s amazing! He’s doing great, and he’s getting ready for his album to come out. He’s doing a lot of writing too. He’s doing things he’s supposed to do, he’s holdin’ the fort down.
SS: We haven’t seen the same type of affection between you two this season that was kinda prevalent last season. Is everything okay?
Dawn: Oh yeah yeah, we’re good. Why wouldn’t it be?
SS: Well like I said, this season, it just seems like we didn’t see as much affection between you guys, but I guess the focus is more on…
Dawn: Well I think this season you haven’t but we’ve always been… but the other two seasons, we were definitely close. I think we’re learning to keep some things private.We don’t want it to ruin the friendship that we have and the bond that we have. So, it doesn’ mean it doesn’t exist. We’re just choosing when to have fun and when not to. When to speak and when not to speak.
SS: Yeah I actually saw the interview you guys did a few days ago… [Dawn and Q's interview on Lip Service - Sirius Radio]
Dawn: Yeah, it’s so funny, people are actually confused and weird about it. Ya know, we’re grown people!
SS: Right!
Dawn: Lip Service, everyone knows Sirius radio and what that is and what kind of interview that is. A lot of celebrities have done them and it’s fun and we enjoyed it and we had a good time and we thought it was fun.
SS: Yeah, I don’t knock it, I think it was good. But I just wanna know how often the stripper pole gets used?
Dawn: Oh my God!! *laughs* You’re so silly, You know, I’m always the one to say I’ll plead the fifth on that. Thank God Q is not on the phone he’d probably tell you.
SS: He probably would. I saw he was very forthcoming in that interview!
Dawn: He’s the one that goes. It’s me that’s like “Oh my God!”
SS: Once the MTB stuff is all over, would you be interested in a Dawn/Que spinoff?
Dawn: You know what? If the people want to see a Dawn and Q show, let them make the noise. Tell them to get on MTV! If it’s a lot of people that want to see it, who knows?
SS: That’s what’s up! I’m with that! So let’s talk about your comic book. You have a comic book, Danity Kane, right?
Dawn: Yes, I do!! I’m really excited about it. You can get it at DanityKaneComics.com and I just got in the script for the second issue, so I’m really excited about it.
SS: Oh cool! So what’s the concept behind it?
Dawn: It’s like Sex And The City meets Sin City. It’s dark but it’s fun, It’s about a woman
named Danity Kane who is not of this world. It's basically, the old story of good and evil. She’s trying to save the world and there’s an evil guy who’s in the pose as the villain playing a record producer that owns a label. Hint hint!! He basically wants her for evil and she wants to be for good. Prime story of good and evil just with a rock and roll twist.
SS: Is that an original concept that you came up with?
Dawn: Yeah, it’s all mine and I’m really excited about it. I think people get a chance to see something different, something new and maybe something that people wouldn’t normally do. And I like doing things that – I like being on my own boat, in my own temple.
SS: So she’s obviously in the music industry, would you say it’s loosely or metaphorically based on your life?
Dawn: Yeah, she’s my alter ego! Definitely.
SS: Oh, so she’s your alter ego? Okay…
Dawn: Oh, definitely, yeah!
SS: So you kinda got a sci-fi vibe goin on then?
Dawn: It is! It’s really cool, there’s a lot of fighting, There’s a cross between Japan, Tokyo, New York. It’s a mix between those, and it’s really dope. I’m really excited about it and I have a soundtrack coming with it at the end of March. So I’m really happy about that too. It’s not like a solo deal or anything. It’s just a soundtrack based off the comic book
SS: And is it just YOU on the soundtrack?
Dawn: Yes it is, yes it is! It’s just something – ya know how sometimes you need something to let go of so you can just be you and not worry about anything. It was an opportunity to work with different music, a different sound and I liked it so I said “why not do it?”
SS: And you have a song off the soundtrack for the Danity Kane Comics…
Dawn: Yes, I have a single off the soundtrack called Falls Away (click to listen), it’s on Myspace.com/DawnRichard and it’s the single.
SS: And what was the concept in the song?
Dawn: There’s a part in the comic where Danity Kane meets the love of her life, her crush which is a big storyline because it turns out to be someone, the villain’s son and it’s amazing, it’s crazy. So this is the line when they meet and they fall in love and this song is from that.
SS: And there’s actually another song called If I Could (click to listen)...
Dawn: Yes, it’s gonna be on the soundtrack.
SS: Yeah, the Sound-Savvy audience has been listening to that. What’s that one about?
Dawn: That's the reality of when they separate in the storyline, he moves on and she moves on and then he has no one; that situation doesn’t work out for him and she’s telling him if she could do it all again and come back and stay with him, she would.
SS: That’s wassup! I’m looking forward to that. The soundtrack is going to be in stores when?
Dawn: It’s not gonna be in stores, it’s gonna be online. It’ll be on danitykanecomics.com. I’m doing everything independently on my own.
SS: So if you were approached about doing a Danity Kane movie based off the comic, would you be open to that?
Dawn: Of course! Definitely, I would even want Frank Miller to do it. I love his films. I loved 300, I loved Sin City, so definitely!
SS: Cool! I’d love to see that, and I’ve gotta get a copy so I can read it. You mentioned earlier that you’re on Twitter, cause you’re on my twitter list!
Dawn: Yeah, I am on Twitter.
SS: Dawn, you gotta follow me on twitter, okay?
Dawn: Okay, I will follow you.
SS: You know who I am? I’m Sound-Savvy.
Dawn: Okay, Sound-Savvy I will follow you I promise.
SS: Aight! So do you respond to a lot of people on Twitter?
Dawn: Everyday I'm on Twitter, it’s addictive, I don’t understand it! I can’t take it!
SS: It’s like digital crack! I’m on it all day long.
Dawn: It is! It’s crazy…
SS: So what’s next on the horizon for Dawn?
Dawn: The sky’s the limit. I’m definitely writing for artists. I just got a song on Day 26’s album. I’m trying to get something on Cassie, got a couple songs in the pocket with her. I’ve been working with different people like Krystal Typewriter, all of them and I’m trying to work with Puff with writing music for him and you know, who knows? Maybe movies, maybe fashion, I’m a huge huge, HUGE fan of fashion. So who knows? Maybe a fashion line someday.
SS: Who are some of the designers you like?
Dawn: I a huge fan of Balmain, Preen, Maison Martin Margiela, Luella , Balenciaga I love, I love The Row - Kate and Ashley’s line, their line’s hot. And I love Alexander Wang.
SS: Anything you wanna say to your fans out there, the Sound-Savvy audience?
Dawn: Thanks for the support. I’m on a movement right now. I’ve been starting a movement on Twitter where I said the new trend is positivity. I just feel like we all need to get on the positive movement and start congratulating and embracing each other. It’s a new year, new things are happening. So thank you for supporting and keeping a positive eye on Danity Kane and no matter what happens with us, please continue to support us and keep it positive. You don’t have to hate no one, you don’t have to blame it on anyone. Things happen and let’s move on and move forward in a positive light and see what great things are in store for us.
SS: Well Dawn on behalf of Sound-Savvy and Suavv, thanks for talking to us today,
Dawn: Thank you! Thank you guys for having me.
Dawn: I’m good, how are you?
SS: I’m good it’s good to talk to you. So first up, Dawn what does your life sound like?
Dawn: Um that’s a great question. I just did that a couple days ago on Twitter for the Twitter bugs that are following me. I’d have to say, Counting Crows' Colorblind would definitely be one of them, Keri Hilson’s Turnin' Me On definitely rocks my boat; I’d have to say...oooh, The Dream’s Hater is hot, Bjork’s…uhhh, that’s a hard one, Hopeful, and one more… Green Day’s Brain Stew. That’s my soundtrack right now.
SS: Wow, I like that! That's a real versatile pick, I like that.
Dawn: Well that’s what my life is, it’s kinda all over the place.
SS: Cool, so where are you now?
Dawn: I’m gonna be in New York, writing.
SS: So I guess the biggest thing everyone wants to know is what’s going on with Danity Kane, we’ve all sent the show and it’s winding down…
Dawn: You have to keep watching… Thursday nights, MTV! Gotta keep watching to see what happens.
SS: But is there gonna be a future of Danity Kane?
Dawn: You gotta watch, you have to watch. I can’t give that away.
SS: Just to go back to what we saw last season, the split came out of nowhere. It’s like...
Dawn: It did, it definitely did. I think how people are reacting is a normal reaction. We’re all feeling that way.
SS: I understand that you guys probably fought like normal groups do, but do you think it out of the was enough to cause a split like that?
Dawn: Uh, yeah… I didn’t expect that, not at all. I thought it could be fixed.
SS: Do you think at all that the the show’s ratings factored into that? Maybe it was something to boost the show’s ratings?
Dawn: No, no not at all. I think people want it to be that or they think it’s that. No This is our lives and it’s real, and it really did happen and it’s exactly what it was.
SS: Just looking back at some of the previous Making The Band Groups like ‘Da Band and Dream and those groups that didn’t last… there’s been talk and even Puff mentioned it on an upcoming episode about a Making The Band curse. How do you feel about that?
Dawn: That’s not a Making The Band curse, this is life. It’s not a curse, the reality is all people go through it. All artists with their labels. It’s not something that just happened to us, it happens to a lot of people that’s why you see the En Vogues and the TLC’s and Destiny’s child. It all happens at some point, it’s just life. Some people get along, some don’t. Some things work, some don’t. That’s just life; I don’t think that’s a curse.
SS: Have you talked to Aubrey or D. Woods at all?
Dawn: No, but I wish them the best. I really do.
SS: Oh okay. Have you seen Aubrey’s Playboy spread?
Dawn: Ummm no, but ya know. I’m really proud if that’s what she’s happy doing.
SS: Well with the fate of Danity Kane pretty much up in limbo, if it came down to it would you pursue a solo career? Dawn gotta eat too, right?
Dawn: I’ll never say never to anything. I would love to continue being in this business because I like it. That’s all I can say to that. Whatever comes in my path, I’m ready for it. I’ve worked hard to be here and I’m gonna continue to do that.
SS: If you did, do you think your music would be more pop or more R&B?
Dawn: I think it’ll be how music is going right now; it’ll be a cross of both. Music is taking turns, we can now combine so many things. I think it’s a great movement right now where music is. There’s no specific class to it. So my music would be with everything else. It would be a new trend, a mix of both and I think that’s beautiful.
SS: So who are some of the artists that you’re really feeling these days? Besides the ones you mentioned.
Dawn: I’m feeling Keri [Hilson], like I said. Keri’s amazing, I was with her in the beginning, she wrote on our first album. I’d really love to work with Chrisette Michele, I’m good friends with her. Jazmine Sullivan, another one that I’m good friends with. I’d love to work with Day 26. Me and Q actually wrote a song for their album that’s gonna be on the album coming out April 14
SS: Oh cool!
Dawn: Yeah, the sky’s the limit. I’d like to work with a lot of people. Brandy is another one I’d like to work with!
SS: Oh I love Brandy, and yeah Chrisette Michele is really good. I saw her in concert here a few weeks ago.
Dawn: Yeah, shes amazing, that’s my homie! That’s my ride partner in New York.

SS: So you mentioned Q, how are things with you Q?
Dawn: He’s amazing! He’s doing great, and he’s getting ready for his album to come out. He’s doing a lot of writing too. He’s doing things he’s supposed to do, he’s holdin’ the fort down.
SS: We haven’t seen the same type of affection between you two this season that was kinda prevalent last season. Is everything okay?
Dawn: Oh yeah yeah, we’re good. Why wouldn’t it be?
SS: Well like I said, this season, it just seems like we didn’t see as much affection between you guys, but I guess the focus is more on…
Dawn: Well I think this season you haven’t but we’ve always been… but the other two seasons, we were definitely close. I think we’re learning to keep some things private.We don’t want it to ruin the friendship that we have and the bond that we have. So, it doesn’ mean it doesn’t exist. We’re just choosing when to have fun and when not to. When to speak and when not to speak.
SS: Yeah I actually saw the interview you guys did a few days ago… [Dawn and Q's interview on Lip Service - Sirius Radio]
Dawn: Yeah, it’s so funny, people are actually confused and weird about it. Ya know, we’re grown people!
SS: Right!
Dawn: Lip Service, everyone knows Sirius radio and what that is and what kind of interview that is. A lot of celebrities have done them and it’s fun and we enjoyed it and we had a good time and we thought it was fun.
SS: Yeah, I don’t knock it, I think it was good. But I just wanna know how often the stripper pole gets used?
Dawn: Oh my God!! *laughs* You’re so silly, You know, I’m always the one to say I’ll plead the fifth on that. Thank God Q is not on the phone he’d probably tell you.
SS: He probably would. I saw he was very forthcoming in that interview!
Dawn: He’s the one that goes. It’s me that’s like “Oh my God!”
SS: Once the MTB stuff is all over, would you be interested in a Dawn/Que spinoff?
Dawn: You know what? If the people want to see a Dawn and Q show, let them make the noise. Tell them to get on MTV! If it’s a lot of people that want to see it, who knows?
SS: That’s what’s up! I’m with that! So let’s talk about your comic book. You have a comic book, Danity Kane, right?
Dawn: Yes, I do!! I’m really excited about it. You can get it at DanityKaneComics.com and I just got in the script for the second issue, so I’m really excited about it.
SS: Oh cool! So what’s the concept behind it?
Dawn: It’s like Sex And The City meets Sin City. It’s dark but it’s fun, It’s about a woman

SS: Is that an original concept that you came up with?
Dawn: Yeah, it’s all mine and I’m really excited about it. I think people get a chance to see something different, something new and maybe something that people wouldn’t normally do. And I like doing things that – I like being on my own boat, in my own temple.
SS: So she’s obviously in the music industry, would you say it’s loosely or metaphorically based on your life?
Dawn: Yeah, she’s my alter ego! Definitely.
SS: Oh, so she’s your alter ego? Okay…
Dawn: Oh, definitely, yeah!
SS: So you kinda got a sci-fi vibe goin on then?
Dawn: It is! It’s really cool, there’s a lot of fighting, There’s a cross between Japan, Tokyo, New York. It’s a mix between those, and it’s really dope. I’m really excited about it and I have a soundtrack coming with it at the end of March. So I’m really happy about that too. It’s not like a solo deal or anything. It’s just a soundtrack based off the comic book
SS: And is it just YOU on the soundtrack?
Dawn: Yes it is, yes it is! It’s just something – ya know how sometimes you need something to let go of so you can just be you and not worry about anything. It was an opportunity to work with different music, a different sound and I liked it so I said “why not do it?”
SS: And you have a song off the soundtrack for the Danity Kane Comics…
Dawn: Yes, I have a single off the soundtrack called Falls Away (click to listen), it’s on Myspace.com/DawnRichard and it’s the single.
SS: And what was the concept in the song?
Dawn: There’s a part in the comic where Danity Kane meets the love of her life, her crush which is a big storyline because it turns out to be someone, the villain’s son and it’s amazing, it’s crazy. So this is the line when they meet and they fall in love and this song is from that.
SS: And there’s actually another song called If I Could (click to listen)...
Dawn: Yes, it’s gonna be on the soundtrack.
SS: Yeah, the Sound-Savvy audience has been listening to that. What’s that one about?
Dawn: That's the reality of when they separate in the storyline, he moves on and she moves on and then he has no one; that situation doesn’t work out for him and she’s telling him if she could do it all again and come back and stay with him, she would.
SS: That’s wassup! I’m looking forward to that. The soundtrack is going to be in stores when?
Dawn: It’s not gonna be in stores, it’s gonna be online. It’ll be on danitykanecomics.com. I’m doing everything independently on my own.
SS: So if you were approached about doing a Danity Kane movie based off the comic, would you be open to that?
Dawn: Of course! Definitely, I would even want Frank Miller to do it. I love his films. I loved 300, I loved Sin City, so definitely!
SS: Cool! I’d love to see that, and I’ve gotta get a copy so I can read it. You mentioned earlier that you’re on Twitter, cause you’re on my twitter list!
Dawn: Yeah, I am on Twitter.
SS: Dawn, you gotta follow me on twitter, okay?
Dawn: Okay, I will follow you.
SS: You know who I am? I’m Sound-Savvy.
Dawn: Okay, Sound-Savvy I will follow you I promise.
SS: Aight! So do you respond to a lot of people on Twitter?
Dawn: Everyday I'm on Twitter, it’s addictive, I don’t understand it! I can’t take it!
SS: It’s like digital crack! I’m on it all day long.
Dawn: It is! It’s crazy…
SS: So what’s next on the horizon for Dawn?
Dawn: The sky’s the limit. I’m definitely writing for artists. I just got a song on Day 26’s album. I’m trying to get something on Cassie, got a couple songs in the pocket with her. I’ve been working with different people like Krystal Typewriter, all of them and I’m trying to work with Puff with writing music for him and you know, who knows? Maybe movies, maybe fashion, I’m a huge huge, HUGE fan of fashion. So who knows? Maybe a fashion line someday.
SS: Who are some of the designers you like?
Dawn: I a huge fan of Balmain, Preen, Maison Martin Margiela, Luella , Balenciaga I love, I love The Row - Kate and Ashley’s line, their line’s hot. And I love Alexander Wang.
SS: Anything you wanna say to your fans out there, the Sound-Savvy audience?
Dawn: Thanks for the support. I’m on a movement right now. I’ve been starting a movement on Twitter where I said the new trend is positivity. I just feel like we all need to get on the positive movement and start congratulating and embracing each other. It’s a new year, new things are happening. So thank you for supporting and keeping a positive eye on Danity Kane and no matter what happens with us, please continue to support us and keep it positive. You don’t have to hate no one, you don’t have to blame it on anyone. Things happen and let’s move on and move forward in a positive light and see what great things are in store for us.
SS: Well Dawn on behalf of Sound-Savvy and Suavv, thanks for talking to us today,
Dawn: Thank you! Thank you guys for having me.
3 comments and counting...
big homie, im proud of ya. you are definitely doing your thang. straight up. we def need to collabo on some thangs soon, but until then.. def get at ya homeboy.
Posted on March 23, 2009 at 10:31 AM
love the interview. Linked to ya! Keep em coming! lol
Posted on March 23, 2009 at 5:42 PM
Thanks for featuring Dawn...loved the article. Dawn is the truth and her future is bright. She has the will and determination to make it happen for herself and that is what I love about her the most. Just want to make sure she knows she has so many fans who stand behind her and will support her no matter what!!! It's a movement.
Posted on March 24, 2009 at 2:40 PM
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